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Fundacja Siepomaga
8 days left
Fundacja Siepomaga

Ratują życie, narażając swoje! Wspierajmy jednostki OSP!

Gdy pojawia się ogień, a woda wdziera się do domów, oni są gotowi do walki. Strażacy. Superbohaterowie. Zawsze ruszają na ratunek z determinacją i odwagą w sercu. Od lat pomagają ludziom, każdego dnia narażając swoje zdrowie i życie. Dziś, sami potrzebują naszej pomocy.  OSP są filarem lokalnych społeczności. Wspierając ich działania, przyczyniamy się do zwiększenia bezpieczeństwa w naszych okolicach. Ich bliskość i znajomość mieszkańców sprawiają, że nie tylko znają ulice i domy, ale także imiona i historie ludzi, którym pomagają. Dzięki temu ich wsparcie wykracza poza samo gaszenie pożarów czy udzielanie pierwszej pomocy… To także budowanie więzi społecznych i poczucia wspólnoty, której nie da się zastąpić. Pozwólmy Strażakom z OSP kontynuować swoją służbę dla społeczeństwa. Ich bohaterstwo zasługuje na uznanie! Uruchamiamy II ogólnopolską zbiórkę środków na rzecz jednostek OSP w Polsce. Nasz cel jest prosty! Chcemy zebrać środki, które pozwolą sfinansować potrzeby jednostek OSP w całej Polsce. Chcemy zapewnić jednostkom niezbędne wyposażenie do skutecznego przeciwdziałania pożarom lasów i powodziom. Pod zbiórką każda jednostka OSP może założyć swoją Skarbonkę, z której zebrane w całości środki trafią właśnie do niej. Jeśli chcecie wesprzeć naszą akcję, a nie jesteście jednostką OSP - bez obaw. Możecie wesprzeć zbiórkę, a środki na niej zebrane zostaną przekazane do jednostek, które biorą udział w naszej akcji. ZASADY UDZIAŁU W AKCJI DLA JEDNOSTEK OSP 1️⃣ Uczestnikiem Akcji OSP może być wyłącznie stowarzyszenie będące ochotniczą strażą pożarną w rozumieniu przepisów ustawy z dnia 17.12.2021 o ochotniczych strażach pożarnych, zarejestrowaną na nie później niż do dnia 30.4.2024 lub posiadające taki status przed rozpoczęciem kampanii. Jeśli Twoja jednostka nie jest zarejestrowana na Zarejestruj ją tutaj 2️⃣ Załóż Skarbonkę na cele statutowe Twojej jednostki między 8 kwietnia, a 7 maja 2024 r. Zgromadź na niej minimum 100 zł., aby wziąć udział w akcji. Załóż Skarbonkę 3️⃣ Promuj Skarbonkę wśród swoich Darczyńców, aby zyskała rozgłos i zebrała największą ilość wpłat. Wszystkie zebrane na Skarbonce wpłaty po zakończonej akcji trafią do Twojej jednostki. 4️⃣ Regulamin akcji znajdziesz tutaj 💚❗️❗️Trzy jednostki OSP, których skarbonki zostaną zasilone najwyższą łączną kwotą do dnia 07.05.2024 otrzymaj kolejno dodatkowo darowiznę w wysokości 20 000 zł, 10 000 zł i 5 000 zł. ❗️❗️ 💚

306 347 zł
Fundacja Nasz Śląsk
Fundacja Nasz Śląsk


ZŁOMBOL is an annual charity event that started 18 years ago with the aim of supporting the wards of children's homes. The rally's organizers and participants emphasize the purpose behind the event - their joint admiration for old cars and a desire to help.  In the 17th edition of the rally, the ZŁOMBOL vehicles drove across numerous European countries, raising over 15 million zlotys!  It's more than a number - it's a testimony of strength, empathy, and care for those in need. It's about people who have decided to help others. Every penny and hour spent on this project can contribute to building a better life for children.  This year's rally will be different from the previous ones. ZŁOMBOL 2024 is an expedition for the most persistent enthusiasts. What, where, and when:The route leads from Chorzow in Poland to the Atlantic Road in Norway.Starts on June 29, 2024, at the Silesian Stadium in Chorzow, Poland  Ends on July 3, 2024, on Atlantic Road, Norway  Purpose: ZŁOMBOL 2024 is a 100% charity rally to support kids from children's homes in Poland!  100% of the funds raised will be used for: 👉psychological support for children (individual and group therapy sessions, supervision for tutors, housing for care leavers, etc.);👉grants for journeys for foster children (trips, camps, summer camps, winter breaks, club trips); 👉fulfilling childhood dreams (driving course, language course, sports equipment, a favorite magazine subscription, a gift offered on a special occasion). How to take part in the rally:1. Own/borrow a vehicle designed and manufactured in one of the Eastern Bloc countries - car, truck, bus, motorcycle, or minibike.2. Gather your team and send an application.3. Create a MONEY BOX of the campaign.  ! To start the trip, you must first raise funds for the kids from children's homes !The required amount is:  -minimum of 2.800 zlotys for a car team,-minimum of 800 zlotys for a motorcycle team,-minimum of 6.000 zlotys for a bus team. Apply by May 29, 2024. If you don't participate in the rally but you still want to help the kids:Create a MONEY BOX, donate, and share our campaign.Remember - we do it for children! Join US! #jedziemyzpomocąWe Have Great POWER Together!  It will be intense!The engines will wear out!It will be a hell of a stunt!No car assistance!It will be fun!Złombol - the real gamble!Terms and conditions of ZŁOMBOL 2024 See the clip from the 17th edition of ZŁOMBOL rally

250 090 zł
Fundacja Siepomaga
6 days left
Fundacja Siepomaga

Gala Biznes Boxing Polska 27/04/24 POZNAŃ

Biznes Boxing Polska to największa organizacja boksu "białych kołnierzyków" w Polsce. Wydarzenie łączy ludzi ze świata sportu i biznesu. Gala jest także wyjątkową  platformą do wspierania fundacji i organizacji charytatywnych. Cel charytatywny:Podczas gali Biznes Boxing Polska w Poznaniu zbierane będą środki dla Akademii Judo Poznań. Kogo wspieramy?Poznańska Akademia Judo funkcjonuje od 2009 roku. Od wielu lat to właśnie tutaj promowana jest aktywność fizyczna i wspierane są sportowe talenty. Judo to styl życia i wartości. To społeczność, która wspiera się nawzajem. W związku z  planami infrastrukturalnymi Miasta Poznań dotychczasowa siedziba akademii musi zmienić swoje dotychczasowe miejsce. Akademia Judo Poznań zbiera środki na budowę nowego obiektu sportowego w Poznaniu! Potrzebne są aż 2 miliony złotych. Nowy obiekt będzie pierwszym tego typu miejscem w Polsce. Dzięki Twojej pomocy ponad 1400 dzieci będzie miało gdzie ćwiczyć i realizować swoją pasję. Jak możesz pomóc?1. Trenuj, walcz, pomagaj! Zostań zawodnikiem na gali i załóż swoją indywidualną Skarbonkę.2. Wesprzyj zawodnika, którego znasz i któremu kibicujesz.Znajdź dedykowaną Skarbonkę i wpłać na nią swoją darowiznę. *Pamiętaj, minimalna kwota, którą musi uzbierać zawodnik wynosi 250 zł* 3. Wpłać darowiznęWpłać środki korzystając z czerwonego przycisku “wesprzyj”. Udostępnij link do zbiórki i pomóż nam zebrać jeszcze więcej. Termin gali:Uroczysta gala odbędzie się 27 kwietnia w Poznaniu (AWF CITYZEN). Poza walkami podczas wydarzenia odbędą się także licytacje, z których wszystkie zebrane środki zostaną przekazane Akademii Judo Poznań. Bądźcie z nami tego wieczoru! Razem Wielką Mamy MOC!

34 585 zł
Fundacja Rodziny Maj im. Piotra Maja
Fundacja Rodziny Maj im. Piotra Maja

Mistrzostwa Polski Branży Budowlanej w kolarstwie szosowym POMAGANIE BUDUJE

POMAGANIE BUDUJE to pierwsze Mistrzostwa Polski Branży Budowlanej w kolarstwie szosowym! Celem wydarzenia jest zjednoczenie branży budowlanej na rzecz pomocy potrzebującym. I ukazanie jej niezwykłej siły! Tuż obok sportowej rywalizacji chcemy dzielić się dobrem z podopiecznymi Fundacji Rodziny Maj im. Piotra Maja. Bo w kolarstwie tkwi coś więcej niż tylko rywalizacja i zdobywanie zwycięstw. To także symbol determinacji, współpracy i wzajemnego wsparcia.  Każdy pokonany kilometr, każdy uśmiech na twarzy uczestnika, to krok w kierunku wsparcia dla podopiecznych Fundacji Rodziny Maj im. Piotra Maja. Dołącz do Nas i stań się częścią wyjątkowej historii. Opartej na zaangażowaniu, pomocy i realnym wsparciu. Peleton dobra w tym roku wystartuje głównie dla:💚 Rity Malinkiewicz: jednej z najwybitniejszych polskich kolarek górskich, Mistrzyni Polski i wyjątkowej wojowniczki. Jej sportową karierę przekreślił nieszczęśliwy wypadek w 2020 roku. To wtedy podczas jednego ze swoich treningów Rita została stratowana przez samochód. Lekarze dawali jej zaledwie 1% szans na przeżycie. Ale Rita się nie poddała. Po trzymiesięcznej śpiączce, dzięki wsparciu specjalistów i niezłomnej determinacji pokazała, że niemożliwe dla niej nie istnieje. W zeszłym roku stanęła na starcie biegu. Dziś pragnie wrócić na swój ukochany rower. A my zamierzamy jej w tym pomóc. 💚 Lenki Kośli: małej bohaterki, która toczy nierówną walkę z ultra rzadką mutacją w genie PACS2. Choroba nie tylko ogranicza jej sprawność, ale także prowadzi do różnych powikłań, w tym padaczki, opóźnienia psychoruchowego, braku mowy oraz autyzmu. Mimo tych trudności rodzice Lenki podejmują walkę. Założyli fundację, która ma na celu znalezienie lekarstwa na tę rzadką chorobę. Dlatego ruszamy w drogę, by dać realną szansę na lepsze jutro dla Lenki i setek dzieci na całym świecie, którym ten lek może uratować życie. 💚 Najmłodszych Pacjentów Kliniki Onkologii i Hematologii: dzielnych wojowników leczonych w Szpitalu Uniwersyteckim w Krakowie. Małych bohaterów, których rodzice stanęli przed najtrudniejszą z diagnoz. W obliczu codziennych trudności stają się niezłomnymi obrońcami nadziei i wiary w zwycięstwo nad chorobą.Startujemy w wyścigu, by pokazać, że nie są sami w tej walce. Wciąż zbieramy środki na sfinansowania przełomowych badań, których nie refunduje NFZ. Chcemy dać im siłę i nadzieję, aby mogli czuć się silniejsi i wierzyć w lepsze jutro. Nawet w najtrudniejszych chwilach. Chcesz pomóc?  To proste! Poznaj 3 łatwe i wygodne sposoby, by podzielić się dobrem:1. Bierzesz udział w wyścigu? Możesz zaangażować się w zbieranie środków w ramach swojej indywidualnej Skarbonki.2. Pracujesz, jesteś przedstawicielem lub działasz w branży budowlanej? Załóż Skarbonkę i zacznij zbierać środki wśród swoich przyjaciół i znajomych z branży.3. Chcesz wpłacić darowiznę? Skorzystaj z czerwonego przycisku „Wpłać”. Możesz podzielić się linkiem z innymi i pomóc zebrać nam jeszcze więcej środków. Twoja pomoc ma ogromne znaczenie. A każdy, nawet najmniejszy gest przyczynia się do osiągnięcia wspólnego celu — dostarczania realnej pomocy tam, gdzie jest najbardziej potrzebna. Pomaganie Buduje w szczegółach: 👉 Kiedy: 18 maja 2024 roku. 👉 O której godzinie: punktualnie o 10:10.👉 Gdzie: prosto spod siedziby SMAY w podkrakowskim Podłężu. Wielka siła pomagania tkwi w działaniu razem! W misji pomagania wspierają nas najlepsi. Do peletonu dobra dołączyli najwybitniejsi sportowcy w kraju: Rafał Sonik, Tomasz Marczyński, Bartłomiej Ostałowski i Jakub Colin Brzeziński. Ich obecność daje nam, oraz naszym małym bohaterom i ich rodzinom, nieocenione wsparcie i siłę do pokonywania przeciwności. A dzięki zaangażowaniu tak wspaniałych zawodników nasze Mistrzostwa nabierają jeszcze większego znaczenia — stają się miejscem, gdzie sport łączy się z realną pomocą. Wspólnie możemy dokonać wielkich rzeczy!  Razem wielką mamy MOC! Zobacz historię Rity:

16 190 zł
Fundacja Szerpowie Nadziei
Fundacja Szerpowie Nadziei

Pomóż osobom z niepełnosprawnością zdobyć szczyty Tatr!

Marzenia są po to, żeby je realizować, a góry są po to, żeby je zdobywać! Naszym marzeniem jest umożliwienie zdobycia góry wszystkim, którzy tego pragną, nie zważając na ograniczenia. Jak to wszystko się zaczęło?Maciek Skowronek to marzyciel, który swoją determinacją poruszył serca i umysły przyjaciół z 36. Harcerskiej Drużyny Czerwonych Beretów z Jastrzębia-Zdroju. Razem zdobyli Giewont i rozbudzili w sobie apetyt na więcej. Tuż po zdobyciu Rycerza Tatr, odezwało się do nas mnóstwo osób, które bardzo chciały dać możliwość obcowania z górami swoim dzieciom, przyjaciołom - osobom z niepełnosprawnościami. Z tego powodu postanowiliśmy tę inicjatywę przekształcić w ogólnopolską akcję i zaprosić do niej Ludzi Gór, którzy chętnie otworzyli swoje serca. W 2021 roku było nas kilkadziesiąt, rok później niemal 200, a w 2023 roku  a szlaki wyruszyło ponad 500 osób w pomarańczowych koszulkach. Jak to wygląda „od kuchni”?Bezpieczeństwo – każdy z naszych Szerpów wziął udział w szkoleniu, na którym poruszyliśmy tematy takie jak pierwsza pomoc, łączność, techniki linowe, ale także uczyliśmy się jak współpracować z osobami z niepełnosprawnościami. Wspólnota – dołączając do naszego projektu trzeba liczyć się z tym, że wchodzi się do jednej, wielkiej rodziny. Pierwszy dzień wydarzenia to zawsze integracja w zespołach, a więc czas dobrej zabawy i poznawania siebie nawzajem. A to działa, bo nie jest rzadkością, że Szerpowie mają kontakt ze Skarbami także po akcji – ciągle! Emocje – bez wątpienia jest to projekt pełen emocji. Tych przyjemnych, ale także tych trudnych. Chodzić w góry to piękna rzecz, ale móc dzielić się tą pasją z innymi i wspierać ich w zdobywaniu swoich pierwszych szczytów – to zaszczyt. I nie ważne, ile razy ktoś był w górach, ile zdobył szczytów i ile pięknych widoków zobaczył – gwarantujemy Wam, że emocji z wyjścia rodziny Szerpów Nadziei nie da się przeżyć gdzieś indziej! W 2023 roku w Tatry wyruszyło ponad 135 osób z niepełnosprawnościami. Jak to możliwe?Wszystko to dzięki Szerpom Nadziei – ludziom o wielkich sercach, którzy nierzadko na własnych plecach wnoszą Skarby (osoby z niepełnosprawnościami) w niedostępne górskie rejony. Dzięki ich współpracy zdobyto Kozi Wierch, Dolinę Pięciu Stawów i Morskie Oko). Niestety możliwości naszej drużyny nie były w stanie odpowiedzieć na te potrzeby, ale możliwości całej Organizacji, jaką jest Związek Harcerstwa Polskiego, są właściwie nieskończone. Dlatego właśnie postanowiliśmy wejście na Giewont przekształcić w ogólnopolską akcję. Co dalej?Akcję właściwą we wrześniu (1-3.09) poprzedzają dwa mmniejsze eventy połączone ze szkoleniem w Tatrach, w których udział wezmą wolontariusze. Chcemy być jak najlepiej przygotowani na nieprzewidziane sytuacje, o które w górach nietrudno. Przeprowadzimy kursy z pierwszej pomocy przedmedycznej, łączności radiowej czy asekuracji lotnej niezbędnej podczas pokonywania wymagających odcinków. Podzielimy wolontariuszy na zespoły, które przez kilka nadchodzących miesięcy będą się integrować i poszerzać wiedzę o niepełnosprawnościach dzięki wsparciu wykwalifikowanych osób. Co to znaczy? W 2024 roku zobaczycie nas w Tatrach także zimą, co wymaga od nas jeszcze większej ilości pracy, przygotowań i zaangażowania. Jak w poprzednich latach basecampem będzie Schronisko Głodówka, która przez trzy dni stanie się naszym domem. W piątek Szerpowie i Skarby będą mieli czas na integrację i rozmowy oraz powtórzenie wiedzy wyniesionej ze szkoleń. W sobotę ruszamy w góry! Marzą nam się Rysy... Organizacja akcji to ogromne przedsięwzięcie, w które angażuje się bardzo dużo osób.  Każda z wypraw pochłania również wiele środków. Bez tej akcji, osoby z niepełnosprawnościami nie miałyby szans zobaczyć pięknych, górskich pejzaży.  Twoje wsparcie pomoże nam realizować projekt i spełniać marzenia kolejnych osób z niepełnosprawnością - pokazywać im piękno świata. Dlatego bardzo liczymy na Twoje wsparcie - ważna jest każda wpłata, bo ważne jest każde marzenie! Wesprzyj nas dodatkowo zakładając własną skarbonkę na ten szczytny cel!

23 732,00 zł ( 11.15% )
Still needed: 189 034,00 zł
Fundacja Siepomaga
Fundacja Siepomaga

The national campaign to support Ukraine. You'll never walk alone...

UPDATE 23.02.2024 Today marks the second anniversary of Russia’s attack on Ukraine. Dear all, It’s hard to imagine that the horror caused by a Russian invasion has been going on for 2 YEARS already. During that time, we have proved we can unite in the face of danger. Thanks to our cooperation, we can bring hope to a place where doubt and fear are almost palpable… You are the driving force of our activities. Thanks to your generosity, we can offer support to our neighbors. Here’s what we have managed to accomplish for the past two years.  WE ARE SAVING LIVES  ➡️ We’ve purchased two advanced and fully equipped Polish tactical firefighting trucks for the fire station in Kharkiv so that the firemen can help the victims of Russian air raids on the heroic city that pays the price for its freedom.  ➡️ We’ve purchased and delivered two 2 vehicles, including an armored one, to evacuate civilians from the war zone.  ➡️ We delivered specialized climbing equipment and ropes to the rescuers working in bombed condominium areas in Kharkiv, useful while working in skyscraper debris.  ➡️ Tactical medical instructors of Ukrainie received from us 177 specialized phantoms, dummies, and training simulators useful in first-aid training, of a total value of 699 000 zlotys. So far, they have been used to train ca. 31,000 people.  ➡️ We equipped the bomb squad of the Ukrainian fire department with over a dozen advanced metal detectors to clear the mines in the de-occupied Kharkiv territories. Each detected and removed landmine and unexploded bomb saves lives. ➡️ We have supplied the defenders of Lviv with an advanced airborne searchlight that each night protects the residents of the historic city against the barbarian air raids.  ➡️ We have handed over 120 modern portable and mobile radio phones to the paramedics and doctors helping the war victims. UPDATE 06.12.2023 We continue providing aid to Ukraine!  Dear all,  The darkness and cold of the winter make Ukrainian families an easier target. Since homes destroyed by bombs do not protect people from the cold, we must take action!  Thanks to you:➡️ We have ordered 100 portable stoves to be delivered to the people in need in Kharkiv and Kherson. Every stove is a chance for survival for one family. ➡️ We continue to deliver power generators, warm blankets, and sleeping bags to the liberated villages. ➡️ Power generators, blankets, and sleeping bags have also been shipped to the Dnipro area, which has become a temporary border of our civilization.➡️ We have delivered tons of food products for those in need. ➡️ We have rebuilt a house in Alexandrovka near Kherson. Your support will allow the family living there to celebrate Christmas! ➡️ Children’s hospital in Kramatorsk in the war-stricken Donbas region has received 230,000 zlotys worth of humanitarian aid!  The medical equipment shipped from Poland helps save the health and lives of little patients who no longer have to be evacuated to central Ukraine to receive medical assistance. The hospital received: an advanced Drager Infinity Empowered anesthesia machine, endoscopic set, Merivaara Opera and Schmitz OPX operating tables, Philips BV Libra X-ray imaging system with C-arm, and Olympus MAF-GM endoscope. ➡️ We have delivered tools and materials to build shelters for the residents of villages in the Kupyansk region. The volunteers and soldiers risk their lives to help the civilians. ➡️ CPR Manikins purchased from the funds raised from the campaign are useful in first-aid training - 3000 trainees monthly (100 people daily) learn how to save human life. ➡️ An animal shelter in Kherson also needs help during the cold winter. Thanks to you, we have purchased and delivered 100 kg of dog feed. Let’s stick together in this harsh wintertime. Warmth is coming not only from the burning stoves but also from your selfless hearts. For that, we cannot THANK you enough!  We do not give up, and our goal is to help our neighbors as long as it takes. We will keep you posted about our further activities. Thank you again for your generosity and trust!  Thank you for helping us help others! Together we have GREAT power!  The latest news about our aid for Ukraine can also be found on our dedicated Facebook page:    UPDATE 24.02.2023 The first anniversary of the outbreak of the war - a sum-up of our activities. Dear Donors, A year has passed. War took thousands of lives - soldiers and civilians - innocent human beings. Hundreds of families have fled Ukraine, leaving their homes behind. We have been of service the whole time. Thanks to our correspondent, Jerzy Jurczynski, we know exactly what Ukraine needs. This way, we can deliver aid as quickly as possible. We are continuing our support.   Here’s what we achieved in the past year:  It wouldn’t be possible without your selfless and heartfelt support. We are not holding back and providing aid to the most vulnerable areas. Here’s what we did in the last couple of days: ➡️ We took part in a rescue operation after a missile attack launched on Kharkiv University. We offered the mountain firefighters we cooperated with high-tech equipment and fire gear.   ➡️ We met with the brave Ukrainian bomb squad to whom we delivered 10 mine detectors. In Ukraine, landmines kill people every day.  Every mine detection and removal can save human life and enables safety after the war…  ➡️ As they say, the only mine-searching device they had been using so far was a probe… It turns out that 40% of Ukraine is contaminated with Russian mines. The enemy relentlessly uses anti-personnel landmines and other weapons prohibited under international law. They put mines in apartments where people leave their pets or hide them in children’s toys…  ➡️ We also met with bomb-disposal experts from the Ukrainian fire department and presented them with 6 high-tech metal detectors. It wouldn’t be possible without the generosity of the donors and partners of the Siepomaga!  Last year was filled with so much evil. So many innocent people lost their lives. Millions of citizens lost their homes. What’s left is hope, though. We cannot take it away from our neighbors. It is why we keep on providing support! Please take a moment and watch the clip showing the heart-breaking Ukrainian reality:   We still have so much to accomplish.Thanks to you, we can! Please donate. We have great POWER together! We will keep you posted about our further activities. Thank you again for your generosity and trust!  Thank you for helping us help others! Together we have GREAT power!  The latest news about our aid for Ukraine can also be found on our dedicated Facebook page:     UPDATE 16.01.2023 Ukraine is still at war! Another aid is being delivered to the People in need! Dear Donors! Again, thank you for your support and help.  Your donations let us provide aid for our neighbors who fight bravely, and often save lives!  Here’s another piece of news regarding our activities from the last couple of weeks, prepared by our correspondent: ➡️ Thousands of support centers are being established in Ukraine. They are located in public facilities, fire departments, schools, basements of apartment blocks, and tents and offer a place to warm up, charge a phone, receive first aid, call for help, and wait until the worst is over. They offer Ukrainian people a sense of community and hope. We visited one of the support centers in an elementary school in Kharkiv’s north Saltivka, destroyed by war. We met real Heroes who were ready to overcome the cold, fear, and darkness just to stay at their homes. Thanks to Siepomaga donors, we can contribute to creating support centers in eastern Ukraine. ➡️ We participated in many civilian evacuations in several Ukrainian territories.  We mostly saved the elderly living in poverty. ➡️  We delivered first-aid kits and sleeping bags to the Bakhmut area, where there has been an ongoing raging battle against the enemy. ➡️  We organized a tactical medicine course for territorial defense soldiers.   ➡️ On Orthodox Christmas Day (January 7, 2023), we visited Kharkiv, where people are offered free warm meals. For thousands of war victims in Ukraine, it was the only Christmas dish… Thanks to Siepomaga donors, since December 1, 2022, we have provided 1.8 million meals and 4 million hot beverages for people in difficult living situations. The meals will be given away by the end of March 2023.  ➡️ During the summer of 2022, we participated in the activities of firefighters of the 11th unit in Kharkiv. In September, upon the invitation of the Siepomaga Foundation, we welcomed the chief of the fire department unit in Kharkiv, major Roman Kachanov. He expressed his gratitude for Polish support and told the truth about the first days of the war against Ukraine and the activities of steadfast Kharkiv firefighters during an interview for the WTK local TV channel.  ➡️ There has been a broadcast ON THE POLISH RADIO about the Siepomaga humanitarian convoy reaching Kherson:,Do-Chersonia-z-Polski-dotarl-konwoj-humanitarny,konwoj-z-darami-z-polski-dociera-do-kolejnych-miejscowosci-pod-chersoniem ➡️ Since the beginning of the war in Ukraine, millions of people fled from their homes and found shelter in Poland.  The reason why so many people remained in the death zone is that they didn’t have enough resources or strength to leave the bombed houses without #ZSU (Armed Forces of Ukraine) and volunteers. Meet people who need our help now. Together with our brothers, we provide them required support. We will keep you posted about our further activities. Thank you again for your generosity and trust!  Thank you for helping us help others! Together we have GREAT power!  The latest news about our aid for Ukraine can also be found on our dedicated Facebook page:   UPDATE 1.12.2022 Nothing can stop us now! Let us present another update on humanitarian aid for Ukraine Dear Donors, Thanks to your great hearts, we can provide aid for Ukraine.  Your donations help us fulfill the most basic needs of our neighbors. You are helping us save lives.  We have spent the last couple of weeks offering food supplies to the people in need:  ➡️ Together with our friends from humanitarian organizations from Lviv, we reached the Kherson city areas liberated from the Russians. What we saw was devastating -  the only people left were the elderly, the sick, and the disabled. Those who cannot take care of themselves. There is no gas, heating, or electricity. Thanks to your generosity, over 1000 inhabitants received food packages. We also delivered them to those who cannot leave their houses, especially in winter.  ➡️ On Wednesday, on behalf of thousands of Polish people, the Siepomaga Foundation received a thank-you note from the Kharkiv mayor, Игорь Терехов for the support provided to the city residents during the war.  ➡️ We are here to provide help.  On Thursday, we delivered 50 power generators to the fire department in Kharkiv and another 100 power generators to humanitarian aid points.  They will be used by those who are preparing for the blackout. We will also launch a winter aid project in Kharkiv - more details soon.  The upcoming winter will be “the worst in the history” of Ukraine.  In the next couple of weeks or months, Ukraine might lack water, electricity, and heating.  Prime minister Denys Szmyhal called Ukrainian citizens to immediately prepare for winter by gathering necessary supplies.  Electricity is the most wanted now.   Our correspondent Jerzy Jurczyński has been staying in Ukraine for the last couple of weeks, reporting on what’s missing in Ukrainian homes so that we can provide aid as quickly as possible to the most vulnerable areas. The supply that is missed the most by the local people is still electricity. "We cook our meals in the dark. We constantly hear the bombs falling… sometimes we have no heating for two days straight. All we have left are candles. We won’t survive without electricity… please save us!" Electricity is now our priority.  We are unstoppable.  The upcoming winter is too harsh for the Ukrainian people to fight themselves.  They won’t make it without our help!  We have launched a special campaign and raised funds for power generators. Our goal is to purchase as many devices as possible and deliver them to the areas affected by power outages. ➡️ Together with Caritas, we have distributed food supplies at Kharkiv square. The volunteers have delivered tens of thousands of canned food to different parts of the city to ca. 2.5 thousand people.  It is still just the tip of the iceberg!  Ukraine, you can count on us.  We keep on providing support! We will keep you updated about our next activities. We are grateful for your generosity and trust from the bottom of our hearts!  Thanks to you, we can help others! Together we have great POWER!   UPDATE 10.08.2022 Dear Donors, today is the 166th day of the war in Ukraine, our eastern neighbor, which marks six months of tragedy for the Ukrainian nation, with thousands of killed and millions of innocent civilians who experience a humanitarian crisis daily…  Our fundraiser has lasted for the same number of days. Thanks to your donations, we can provide support directly to the Ukrainian territory—to the people in need.  We are grateful for turning your compassion and empathy into good deeds that we can use as a life buoy for this abused nation! Below you can find an update on our latest activities: At the beginning of the week, we met with a group of soldiers from the air assault brigade in Kharkiv, who have been fighting in Izium city (Ukr. Ізю́м), occupied by the Russians. We delivered 50 tactical first-aid kits directly to the front line. The kits have been purchased thanks to our Siepomaga donors. Only in the last few weeks, have we delivered 2 thousand such tactical first-aid kits!  Several kilometers from the front line, we have joined forces with other organizations, providing humanitarian aid to the war victims and refugees who fled the cities bombed by the Russians. We have supplied Caritas-Spes Kharkiv with personal hygiene products for the bedridden and the dependent: adult diapers, disposable sponges, and incontinence bed pads. Thanks to the Siepomaga donors, we delivered to eastern Ukraine ca. 20 tons of required specialized hygienic products in the last couple of weeks. TOGETHER we have great power to help! UPDATE 13.07.2022 Ukraine is still fighting and we keep on helping!  ➡️ Last week we met with a team of nine firefighters from the USA and Australia, who came to Kharkiv to take part in the clearing of debris and searching for possible victims from under the debris of the shelled buildings. They are professionals who took leave from work and financed their trip to Ukraine. They even bought a German fire truck that will remain in Ukraine when they depart. Saving lives and providing support where it is most needed is both their job and calling. We are planning joint activities to help Ukraine through portal.  ➡️ The aid provided by our donors to Ukraine is becoming more and more popular! We have been present in war-stricken eastern Ukraine for only three weeks. Some say it is “already” three weeks. You can find an interview here:  ➡️ No one will say it out loud, but it was one of the saddest days in eastern Ukraine. 8 July used to be a Family Day. This year, war affected and divided millions of Ukrainian families.  Instead of feasting, in Kharkiv, children learn what cluster bombs, butterfly landmines, and misfires look like. They can be found in the parks and housing estates.  ➡️ Saltivka (UKR. Салтiвка) is the “ghost district” of Kharkiv. It used to be Ukraine’s largest dormitory town, with 400,000 residents—until February this year. Today it is almost deserted, silent, and destroyed. Buildings ripped apart by the bombs, burnt apartments, and the remains of tens of missiles stuck in the concrete and garden soil still put at risk those who survived. The war is just 20 km away. All day and all night, you can see and hear the explosions. The city is under attack 24/7.   ➡️ Each day they make 40,000 km to provide help for abandoned, lost, and wounded animals in Kharkiv and Donetsk regions. They evacuate pets from the war zone—left by their owners in locked houses and apartments.  ➡️ The city is under missile attack. Searching for victims in the school building after the overnight bombing in Kharkiv.  ➡️ The crosses damaged by shrapnel. Nameplates of the fallen ripped off due to the explosions. It is the actual image of the Totalitarianism Victims' Cemetery in Kharkiv.  Ca. 4,300 Polish military officers and civilians murdered by the People's Commissariat for Internal Affairs (NKVD) in 1940 are buried here. The victims also include 2,000 Ukrainians, Russians, and Jews killed between 1937 and 1938. We thank our friends for enabling a memorial tribute to the fallen. Glory to the heroes! We will keep you updated about our next activities. We are grateful for your generosity and trust from the bottom of our hearts!  Thanks to you, we can help others! Together we have great POWER!   UPDATE 4.07.2022 Support that is granted to Ukraine by the donors of the Siepomaga. pl portal does not include the refugees in our country exclusively. First and foremost, it is an aid for the people trapped in war-stricken areas with no way out. Many inhabitants of eastern Ukraine refuse to leave—they are eager to fight for their country. Despite all odds, they try to live a normal life. On one side of the street, people make fortifications and anti-tank barriers, prepare to defend the city and rebuild destroyed houses, fix windows, and grow flowers on the other. Everybody here is grateful for the help from Poland—they either heard or received such support. ➡️ We cannot always describe or show you the places we visit. Our priority is security. We joined forces with the volunteers from eastern Ukraine, and provided supplies purchased thanks to the Siepomaga., pl donors, to the soldiers fighting in the Donetsk war zone. We were there! We met young men, a physicist, and an architect, who had become soldiers. The Ukrainian defenders are courageous and determined, but they also need help. We delivered food, a power generator, and medical supplies—compression bandages, Israeli bandages, vented chest dressings, and thermal blankets to them. We single-handedly made a list of other required supplies. ➡️ War is not only weapons and ammunition. It’s also, most importantly, an enormous challenge in terms of organization and logistics—clothes, food, and medications are needed for thousands of people in military uniforms. For that reason, on Thursday we delivered supplies, sponsored by Siepomaga. pl donors, to one of many places, from where such support is shipped daily to the people defending Ukraine. We’re already famous for supporting people and areas that we had previously verified. That’s why after hours—long drive, we visited young people in the fieldwork and front line, where they have been fighting for free Ukraine and Europe. We knew they required help from Siepomaga, and they will receive it. ➡️ We provided wheelchair parts to "Zwierciadło" (Eng. mirror), the facility for people with disabilities in Lviv, that, among others, takes care of the refugees from eastern Ukraine. ➡️ We provide direct support to the places where it is needed the most. On Sunday, we delivered a hydraulic hoist to the firefighters from Kharkiv. It allows lifting heavy objects that weigh 10 tons. It will be used for rescue operations and clearing shelled buildings of debris. ➡️ In Lviv, a 2-day first-aid training was organized by Siepomaga. pl. It was conducted by Ukrainian medical instructors—volunteers and tactical medicine specialists. A free course was intended for the volunteers who deliver Polish humanitarian aid from Lviv to eastern Ukraine, into the war zone. We’ve already trained ca. 50 people. We hope that they will never have to use their newly acquired skills, though… We will keep you updated about our next activities. We are grateful for your generosity and trust from the bottom of our hearts!  Thanks to you, we can help others! Together we have great POWER!   -------- UPDATE 23.06.2022 Ukraine, we will not leave you behind… It was the title of our campaign almost 4 months ago, and since then we have kept our promise. Despite the time passing by, the needs of war-stricken Ukraine, fighting for its freedom, have not diminished, and we have kept on providing support, especially for central Ukraine. That is where it is needed the most. Below you can find the latest update: Last week our Siepomaga team provided help to the refugees center in Krzywy Róg (UKR. Кривий Ріг) in the Dnipropetrovsk area, at the confluence of Ingulets and Saksagan rivers. It is the hometown of Ukrainian president Zelensky and used to be one of the military strategic targets of the Russian army in February 2022. It supports refugees from eastern Ukraine and the local people in need—mainly the elderly. After we had supplied the center with 3 tons of food and hygienic products, which took us 1.5 hours, we departed for Zaporizhzhia, and then to Donetsk… When 2 days ago we arrived at the destination with supplies purchased thanks to the Siepomaga donors, one of the Ukrainian volunteer soldiers told us that Poland is the only country that provides them with humanitarian aid. Everyone there believes in the victory, and it looks like they are not going to surrender. We met some refugees from Avdiivka, which had been shelled by the Russians with white phosphorus munitions, prohibited by international law. All that was left from the bombs, were ruins.   We provided the people currently staying in Donetsk with food, washing powders, soaps, protein bars, and electric generators. We had to travel 2,000 km to get there, but it was worth it! This is the farthest we are allowed to go. We are in Kharkiv, one of the largest cities in Ukraine, 15 km away from the front line.  The city and its suburbs are being shelled every single night with the Grad rockets and cluster bombs. Most of the inhabitants have already fled their homes. We hear them say: “If 100% of the Polish aid was provided to Kharkiv and the war zone, the situation would have been way better”. The reason for this harsh opinion is that they condemn those who pretend to offer support or want to make money from helping the Ukrainian defenders. Ukraine, we won’t leave you behind!  The city hospital in Kharkiv needs our help too! We have been recommended as aid providers by our Ukrainian partners, and we have already visited the hospital. Due to the fact, that the city and its suburbs have been under an artillery attack, some patients, and hospital staff were coming back from the underground shelter when we arrived. Everyone is scared. They are afraid that the whole city will be surrounded by the Russian troops.  The electric generators provide power only to the ICU.   During the air-raid warning and the shelling, the patients are transferred from the ICU to the corridors or the shelters, where they are less exposed to the explosions. The main doctor showed us the hospital and provided us with the list of the most required supplies: modern, light-weight beds (at least one would be perfect…), and a portable digital X-ray system. The one they have now is very old and primitive (it’s been there since the Soviet Union)... We went down to the shelter to take the photos, and show you the hospital reality. UPDATE 2.06.2022 Dear Donors! Over 100 days have passed since the lives of the people of Ukraine turned into a nightmare.   News informing of destroyed cities, and dead and wounded people have become as common as the sirens warning of bomb attacks, prompting immediate evacuation to the shelters. A constant fear, anxiety, and uncertainty of what is going to happen the next day. The additional lack of water, electricity and food paints a full picture of the humanitarian crisis… Despite the time passing by, those in need are still on our minds, and we feel the need to provide humanitarian aid in the most vulnerable areas. Below you can find the list of goals we managed to achieve in the last couple of days thanks to your generous donations, for which we are extremely grateful: Providing humanitarian aid to Ukraine is a process that involves many people and multiple stages. It starts with preparing the purchased goods, followed by organising the transport, and finishes with handling the goods to the people in need. All stages are extremely important and linked with one another, however, there is no doubt that when we hear “Djakuju” (the Ukrainian “Thank you”), we are moved the most. That’s what keeps us motivated and makes us bring constant support…   ➡️  Last week our team, called Poland Helps, delivered supplies for the refugees in the Szepietowo region. The supplies included 7 tons of food and personal hygiene products. The photographs show the unloading of the delivery. ➡️  Other photographs show 10 tons of supplies being prepared for shipment to Ukraine. The transport departed early this week and contains technical equipment for the fire service in Kharkiv, medical devices and specialised dressings for the hospital in Cherkasy, thermal underwear and shoes for the military defenders in the eastern part of Ukraine, almost 500 blankets and several thousand individual military first-aid sets, which will be delivered to the soldiers and recruits in military training centres in eastern Ukraine by our Poland Helps team. ➡️  Last weekend our team reached the Ukrainian troops in the Donbas region (at the same time there was a battle going on 6 km away). We delivered the medical equipment including tourniquets, Israeli bandages, and food supplies. The bandages constitute important, life-saving equipment for every soldier in case of getting wounded, as it allows stopping the bleeding. ➡️  Over 3 000 0000 citizens of Ukraine, mostly women and children, already have found shelter in Poland after the Russian invasion of Ukraine. It is an enormous challenge for Poland and the services responsible for taking action in critical situations. One of them is the State Fire Service, which undertakes the most comprehensive tasks, providing different rescue types, including fire, technical, and medical rescue services. We have delivered to the rescuers from the JRG-7 unit of State Fire Service in Warsaw the First Responder backpack, containing first aid supplies, designed in cooperation with the rescuers and firefighters, and made in Poland by the Resqline company. The backpack is useful in the most extreme conditions in which the rescuers of the JRG-7 unit, one of the most elite Polish units of high-altitude rescue services, operate. Currently, they very often secure shelters for Ukrainian refugees. We will keep you updated about our next activities. We are grateful for your generosity and trust from the bottom of our hearts!  Thanks to you, we can help others! Together we have great POWER!   UPDATE 15.04.2022 Dear Donors! You have already donated almost 48 million Polish zlotys to support Ukraine, the country fighting for its independence. We cannot even find the right words to express our gratitude for your generosity. Good deeds are always the best solution to the harm made to innocent people. Thanks to you and on your behalf, we can constantly bring help to those in need. Here’s what we have achieved in the last couple of days: Today, a couple of tons of food products and medical supplies have been delivered to Lviv to ​​a territorial defence troops made up of volunteers, who help the people of Ukraine in the most dangerous areas of the country.  The shipment of goods from our warehouse is handled by amazing volunteers from Lviv and it will be delivered directly to the people and places requiring help.  Ukraine receives even more support from us, however, we cannot inform you about the type of help due to security reasons and upon the requests from our Ukrainian partners.  We have also delivered 5000 blankets to the Caritas charity in the archdiocese in Poznan, to support the reception centre of the Poznań International Fair. We have provided financial support for the Siemacha Association in Cracow, which helps the children of Ukraine. Currently, ca. 300 children, who have fled poverty and war, have found a shelter in the Cracow and Wroclaw branches of the Association. It provides them with daycare, educational support and development possibilities.  We will keep you updated about our next activities. UPDATE 22.03.2022 Dear Donors, today is the 27th day of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. It is unbelievable, that this nightmare has been taking place beyond the eastern border for nearly a month… During that time, hundreds of thousands of kind-hearted people rushed with support, which can be seen on the donation stripe of our campaign—it is getting greener every day, and we cannot thank you enough. We are converting the raised funds into supplies, that are being delivered to the people of Ukraine, the war victims.   Here is the latest news from the field:   The end of last week turned out to be extremely busy for our warehouse people, who take care of dispatching the Siepomaga humanitarian aid supplies to Ukraine. On Friday, we sent 10 palettes of medical supplies, among others, surgical sutures, scalpels, dressings, and gloves, and 28 palettes containing shampoos, shower gels, soaps, and baby powders. On Saturday, people of Lviv also received 800 sleeping pads (2.5 cm thick), which are indispensable in the field and temporary shelters located near the war zone.  We sent 100 sleeping pads, 100 first-aid kits and one AED with spare electrode pads to the refugee shelter in Kamieniec Podolski. (Ages ago the city was generally considered the largest Polish fortress in the Eastern Borderlands). Thanks to our trusted partners from Poland and Ukraine, these supplies will be delivered in the upcoming days.  For a couple of days, we were trying to safely evacuate a beneficiary of the Siepomaga Foundation from a small town at Dniester river, a hundred kilometres east of Kyiv, to Poland. On Friday evening, the little boy from Ukraine suffering from cancer, was transported with his family: mother, younger brother (and his dog) from the Ukrainian-Polish border to Poznań. Now they are resting. We are preparing them for a trip to Germany, where the boy—thanks to the donations from —will undergo therapy.  “After that, we want to go back to Poland and stay there”—says Svieta, our beneficiary’s mother.  We found out about a dramatic call for humanitarian aid from Bachmut city in the Donetsk region. Every day, thousands of people flee here from the bombed cities, located east of Ukraine. There is no food and place to sleep. Today, two trucks of the Siepomaga Foundation with food supplies will take off to the help centre in Bachmut. There is an 1800 km drive ahead of them.  A while ago, we sent 85 high-tech Motorola radios to Ukraine. Today the paramedics thanked us for the devices, which had been purchased thanks to the Siepomaga Donors. We provide help where it is needed the most.        UPDATE 15.03.2022 Support and share—the largest national campaign to help war victims of Ukraine!  Dear Donors, It’s been almost 3 weeks since our reality changed irreversibly. News about the suffering of the civilians, which makes the blood run cold, has been coming from information channels on a regular basis. They concern simple people, who used to lead a normal life. Each day, tens of thousands of people are heading to the West across the Polish-Ukrainian border, fleeing from bombs and danger, waiting at every corner. Most of the Ukrainian people stayed in their homeland, though. Thanks to you and this campaign, we can support both of them.  Our latest activities: One of the supplies were delivered to Lviv on Saturday afternoon! The recipients of our “package” were medical centres and services helping sick and wounded people in eastern Ukraine. According to the latest news,  ⅔ of patients in Lviv hospitals have been evacuated from the East.   Our support included ca. 3 tons of extremely necessary medical supplies: individual dressings, specialised dressings, burn response kits, hydrogel dressings, drainage kits, rolled gauzes, neck collars, foil blankets, antibacterial silver dressings, disposable delivery surgical kits, Kramer splints, plaster bandages, synthetic stiffening and elastic braces, gauze bandages, highly absorbent gauze pads, hygiene pads, disinfectant solutions, sanitisers, and headlamps.   On Monday evening, the rescue workers of the RK Rescue Support Foundation collected from our warehouse near Poznań medical equipment that will be delivered to the children’s hospital in Lviv. In Warsaw, at nighttime, the devices were put into an ambulance, which will arrive in Ukraine on Wednesday morning. After the delivery, the ambulance will go back to Poland and bring a child requiring urgent treatment.  The first-aid kits purchased by the Siepomaga Foundation have been delivered to A0409 unit in Kyiv. We have just received a photo from the “end users”. Together we have a great POWER to help!    We have responded to a dramatic request of Tereszpol mayor to finance vaccines against hepatitis A for the group of a couple of tens of Ukrainian refugees, who are currently staying in the Sub-Carpathian region (these vaccines are non-reimbursable).  We will keep you posted about our next activities. Thank you again and again for your generosity and trust from the bottom of our hearts!  We appreciate that you help us help others! Together we have great POWER! You can also help Ukraine by pledging 1% of your tax. This gesture costs nothing, and it will let bring long-term support to the war victims.  Don’t hesitate, settle your PIT and pledge 1% of tax: KRS: 0000396361 Individual campaign: 0185785 Ukraina UPDATE 10.03.2022 Support and share—the largest national fundraiser for war victims in Ukraine! Dear Donors, for 2 weeks there has been the largest response of Donors going on in the history of Siepomaga.  The support for our war-stricken neighbours is coming from every part of the world. Thank you for every penny, dollar, euro… Every donation enables us to bring help where it is needed the most.  Ukraine—a home that hasn’t been finished yet. Loved by so many people. There are no words to describe the pain caused by such a huge loss. Everything you know, everything you love— it’s already gone. Familiar landscape, scents, places. The school you went to, the hospital you were born in. All is left is ruins. And a hole in your heart filled with sorrow, anger, and grief. All we can do it cover it with support and good deeds.  In the last couple of days, thanks to your donations, we have managed to:   Purchase dressings and first-aid supplies used in the battlefield, which is currently one of the most needed and deficient equipment in Ukraine. Thanks to the company specialised in manufacturing such supplies, we have ordered 10 000 special tactical dressings, that will be delivered to our warehouses in 2-3 days and then transported to Ukraine.  This is another purchase financed by the Siepomaga Foundation—along with vented dressings—that will be used by the medical services in the battlefield. Its total cost was 1,6 million zlotys.  Pass in front of the OKO.PRESS cameras, among others, 250 pairs of tactical military boots for Territorial Defense Forces. “The boots will be distributed among other detachments, to which the delivery of such supplies cannot be realised”—says the woman from Ukrainian services.    Purchase 225 000 protein bars and chocolate bars, which are a solid and proven food in extreme conditions.  Yesterday we delivered them to the Government Strategic Reserve Agency (RARS). In the next days, they will be transported to Ukraine. The food is one of the basic needs in the war zone and refugee areas.  Purchase almost 10 000 disposable diapers for babies, 32 000 menstrual pads and over 44 000 wet wipes for a total amount of over 465 000 zlotys. The citizens of Ukrainian cities in the war zone and the refugees, especially women and children, require the personal hygiene supplies, which have been delivered to RARS warehouses, from where, in cooperation with Ukrainian institutions, they will be transported to Ukraine.  Send almost 80 modern VHF radios worth totally ca. 250 000 zlotys. These devices enable, among others, encrypted digital or analog communication, data transmission, and operator localisation via GPS. These are the most advanced and reliable devices, used for development of communication systems during rescue operations and humanitarian activities. The type and place of its delivery has been discussed with Ukrainian experts. Our help goes to the areas where it is needed the most.   Prepare special support for Ukrainian families, who fled Ukraine to Poland. From now on they can create dedicated, individual campaigns, from which the donations can be withdrawn and used for daily needs. If you know any refugees from Ukraine, please help them launch their campaign:  We will keep you updated on our next activities. Thank you for your generosity and trust with all our hearts! That’s just the beginning, and your support will be also needed in the following months.  We are grateful, that you help us help others! Together we have a great POWER! The purchased supplies will be transported to the Hendi company, which has provided free access to its warehouses to the Siepomaga Foundation in the logistics centre near Poznan.    UPDATE 1.03.2022  Dear Donors, for many years you have been proving that you are the best donor community in the world, but despite that, we are still surprised with such a huge amount of donations and the speed at which the funds have been raised to support Ukraine. Thank you for your trust from the bottom of our hearts. How do we launch our support today?  First, we are going to focus on purchasing large amounts of the most needed food products. We want to place them on pallets, which makes the logistics easier, without a need to sort them.  We keep in touch with KPRM and RARS (Government Strategic Reserves Agency) teams, which, together with the Ukrainian government, have been coordinating the humanitarian aid for Ukraine. In this way, we are going to support the Agency by providing Ukraine with the most urgent supplies, which are being passed on to people by the Ukrainian site. Today we have purchased a truck with 65 000 tinned food which in the first place will be transported to the government warehouse, and next, across the Ukrainian border. Further purchases will be made in the following days. As a Foundation, we have an opportunity to organise large supplies, and we are happy that there is a fixed procedure for providing humanitarian aid, which allows this process to run safely.  Thanks to the cooperation with the Zobacz Mnie Foundation (in English: “Look at me”) we are going to offer support for 66 boys from Kyiv and their guardians, who came to Wroclaw for a football tournament a couple of days ago, and due to an ongoing situation, they cannot go back home. We are going to provide them with accommodation, psychological support, and sports training. We are also planning to bring to Poland their mothers and siblings.  Thanks to the cooperation with Iskierka Foundation, we are going to help tens of families of children with cancer, who keep coming to four Polish clinics for treatment. Two of these children are being treated in Rzeszow, one of them in Katowice, and another one in Zabrze. They will also need support, which includes food, clothing, and accommodation.  We have found the attached short clip today online. It breaks our hearts, and this situation should never have occurred. Unfortunately, that’s how the lives of thousands of innocent children in Ukraine have looked like for the last couple of days. They are on our minds when we are coming with help… We will keep you updated with our next activities. Once again, thank you for your generosity and trust from the bottom of our hearts! You help us help others! Together we have a Great Power!  Pledge 1% of tax to Ukraine:: KRS: 0000396361 Individual campaign: 0185785 Ukraina --- The conflict in Ukraine is unimaginable suffering of thousands of innocent people. Ukraine is at war… We have been watching eastern Ukraine with a particular concern, and what innocent people, living in the war-threatened area, are about to face—hardly a thousand kilometres away from Poland. Unfortunately, the worst has happened. There are bombs, fire, guns, and victims.  And there will be more. Tanks have never been a symbol of peace. We cannot predict, what will happen in the days to come, but the scenarios are far from optimistic, and people must receive help.  The armed conflicts triggered in the offices of the highest levels of government mostly affect the tiniest and the most vulnerable ones—the civilian population, women, children, and elderly people.  The conflict in eastern Ukraine has continued since 2014, yet the events from the last couple of days have shown, that the war turmoil has gone too far. We would love to have such power to stop this. However, we can take action and do what we are best at. Bring help wherever people are suffering.  This campaign was created to raise funds for war victims. The scope of support will depend on the scale of development of the armed conflict in Ukraine, and adapted to the needs of the people. We have been monitoring the whole situation, and we will be in constant touch with the organisations helping Ukraine, which will contact us, asking for support. Every hour brings new information, and everything is constantly changing.  We want to thank all people who are not indifferent to the pain of others.   #SiepomagaUkrainie If you can help, and want to join us… Let’s do it together! If you cannot help, support us with positive thoughts and keep your fingers crossed. War is an enormous tragedy. Let’s stick together with our neighbours.  * The campaign is managed by the Siepomaga Foundation, which, as a charity, can quickly finance helpful organisations acting for the support of Ukraine.  The whole amount of funds will be donated to support war victims in Ukraine For the campaign supporting Ukraine we additionally shared the bank accounts in the selected countries, to which the donations can be made via wire transfers.USA:Account holderFundacja SiepomagaRouting number084009519Account number9600002887035392Account typeChecking- please make only ACH transfers in USD currency Canada:Account holderFundacja SiepomagaInstitution number621Account number200110222764Transit number16001  - only EFT credits in Canadian dollars. We do not handle wire transfers, SWIFT, or Interac Australia:Account holderFundacja SiepomagaBSB code802-985Account number114352467 - for domestic wire transfers in AUD currency Great Britain:Account holderFundacja SiepomagaSort code23-14-70Account number77052488IBANGB19 TRWI 2314 7077 0524 88for domestic wite transfers in GBP currency In all cases please make sure to enter Fundacja Siepomaga as the Account holder

59 642 073 zł
Fundacja Jack Strong
Fundacja Jack Strong

Let’s rebuild a legendary yacht together so that it can sail again!

War takes away a lot: hope, pride, our loved ones… It changes us. Whoever experienced it knows that living in fear makes you revalue certain things.  However, sometimes we cannot benefit from historical treasures.  One of them is Straznik Poranka (the Morning Watchman). The legendary Ryszard Kuklinski aka Jack Strong gave it to the Polish nation for training and educational purposes for young citizens. Today the historic landmark yacht, a symbol of our history, is about to collapse and needs to be rebuilt.  A 57-year-old Morning Watchman is falling apart. It was the first yacht built in post-war Poland and has slowly become forgotten. Soon, there is nothing but a few rotten planks left and a memory of people who used to sail it.  The historic landmark yacht was given by a legendary Ryszard Kuklinski aka Jack Strong to serve Poland and its citizens. Today, the symbol of our history is about to collapse and needs urgent attention.   Together with the Jack Strong Foundation and Siepomaga, we feel obligated to fulfill a historic mission. We will save the yacht that will sail with a young, fearless crew!  We would like to use it both for training purposes and free cruises, e.g., for the beneficiaries of Happy Kids Foundation from The Children’s Home and foster parents.  Why do we want to rebuild the yacht? Our responsibility is to repay the debt to the heroes who fought for our country many years ago. It is in our common interest to protect the yacht that we inherited from Ryszard Kuklinski.  The Morning Watchman connects the past, the present, and the future. According to Jack Strong’s will, the yacht was meant to shape future generations. Thousands of young Polish people used to train here! Let’s offer this opportunity to modern society!  Let’s save the yacht and a memory of the legend!  You can become a part of that. You can keep the legend of Jack Strong alive!  Thanks to you, young generations can gain a once-in-a-lifetime sailing experience!  Please fight with us! We have GREAT POWER together. Thanks to you, our mission, which may seem lost, can be successful!  Every little donation matters. All you need to do is offer your support. We know that you care about young people and a second chance and believe that YOU HAVE the POWER TO MAKE A REAL CHANGE.   

74 937,00 zł ( 74.93% )
Still needed: 25 063,00 zł
Fundacja DIGNUM
1 day left
Fundacja DIGNUM

Pomoc Ubogim i Seniorom

Wyobraż sobie miasto w którym mieszkają sami starzy ludzie. Stare kamienice, odrapane bramy, wysokie schody, brudne podwórka, wysypujące się śmieci. A w domach... jeszcze smutniej, brak łazienki, brak dostępu do toalety, stare rozpadające się meble, wszędzie bałagan bo już zwyczajnie nie masz siły posprzątać. Nie masz siły o nic walczyć, masz 80 lat, niepełnosprawność, schorowane i obolałe ciało. Wciąż brakuje Ci pieniędzy, więc oszczędzasz na jedzeniu. Najbardziej martwi Cię zima, zastanawiasz się czy będzie Cię stać na węgiel, czy będziesz mieć siłę żeby palić w starym piecu.  Około 100.000 polskich seniorów żyje poniżej minimum egzystencji. To tak, jakby istniało w Polsce całe miasto wielkości Koszalina, zamieszkałe wyłącznie przez niedojadających staruszków, bez dostępu do lekarstw, a często toalety czy bieżącej wody. Niewyobrażalne, prawda? W Fundacji Dignum uważamy, że godność należy się każdemu, tak jak ciepły posiłek każdego dnia.  Dlatego każdego dnia walczymy o Godność. Dla każdego godność to coś innego. Dla naszych podopiecznych to całkiem zwyczajne sprawy - ciepły posiłek, posiadanie łazienki czy po prostu bliskość i rozmowa z drugim człowiekiem.  I tym wszystkim się zajmujemy. Dostarczamy posiłki, remontujemy mieszkania, pomagamy prawnie, wykupujemy leki, zawozimy do lekarza, a czasem gdy trzeba po prostu jesteśmy i trzymamy za rękę.  Bo starość może być piękna.  Jeśli czujesz w sercu chęć pomocy i chcesz zrobić coś dobrego, dołącz do naszej akcji! Nawet mały wkład ma wielkie znaczenie. 🌟 Razem możemy spowodować wielką zmianę! Możesz dodatkowo zaangażować się w pomoc dla ubogich zakładając własną skarbonkę na ten szczytny cel! 

87 490,00 zł ( 87.49% )
Still needed: 12 510,00 zł
Fundacja KOOCHAM
Fundacja KOOCHAM

Nie pozwól, by musieli zakończyć edukację! Mamy rok na wybudowanie im szkoły!

Fundacja KOOCHAM już od 8 lat prowadzi Niepubliczne Przedszkole Terapeutyczne, Terapeutyczną Szkołę Podstawową oraz Poradnię Psychologiczno - Pedagogiczną OONIWEREK. Powstały one z bezgranicznej miłości matki chłopca z niepełnosprawnością sprzężoną. Na bazie własnych doświadczeń życiowych i starań o powrót do zdrowia jej dziecka powstało miejsce pełne pozytywnej energii, miłości, pasji i nadziei. Zarówno Przedszkole, jak i Szkoła Podstawowa zapewniają dziś edukację i bardzo intensywna rehabilitację 45 dzieciom dotkniętym różnymi rodzajami niepełnosprawności.  Naszym głównym celem jest wszechstronna edukacja i rehabilitacja, która ma wspomagać indywidualny rozwój dzieci zmagających się z niepełnosprawnością. Zapewniamy także pomoc rodzinom w wychowaniu i przygotowaniu ich do samodzielnego funkcjonowania w przyszłości. Robimy co w naszej mocy, by dzieci były w stanie radośnie żyć pomimo dysfunkcji rozwojowych.  Najbardziej zależy nam, by każde dziecko w ooniwerkowym Przedszkolu i Szkole czuło się kochane, szczęśliwe, bezpieczne i akceptowane. W ramach opracowanego całościowego systemu komunikacji alternatywnej  dzieci dostają szansę na wyrażenie swoich uczuć czy emocji. Od lat przeciwdziałamy zjawisku wykluczenia społecznego. Pomagamy szczególnie tym dzieciom, które ze względu na uwarunkowania społeczne, zdrowotne i rozwojowe, wymagają indywidualnego podejścia w systemie edukacji. Wiemy z jakimi trudnościami mierzą się rodzice, dlatego w Ooniwerku wszystkie zajęcia są w jednym miejscu. Nie ma konieczności przemieszczania się w poszukiwaniu kolejnego specjalisty czy terapeuty. Przyszedł czas, by zacząć myśleć o przyszłości naszych podopiecznych, szczególnie tych starszych, którzy za moment kończy podstawówkę… Nie chcemy pozwolić, by musiały zakończyć naukę! Fundacja Koocham powstała z ogromnej miłości i determinacji, by zapewnić najlepszy rozwój dla dzieci z niepełnosprawnościami. Nie raz dokonywaliśmy niemożliwego i pomimo przewidywań lekarzy, że dziecko nie będzie chodziło, my stawialiśmy je na nogi! Zaczęliśmy wierzyć, że nie ma rzeczy niemożliwych, dlatego stoimy przed ogromnym projektem. Chcemy wybudować przestrzeń, w której starsze dzieci będą mogły kontynuować naukę i rehabilitację.  Z Waszą pomocą wybudujemy Niepubliczną Szkołę Specjalną przysposabiającą do pracy. W ramach niej dzieci, które ukończą klasę 8 będą mogły nadal kontynuować naukę. Uczniowie wciąż będą korzystać z całego wachlarza rehabilitacji, które mają zagwarantowane w OONIWERKU. Po to, aby utrzymać to wszystko, co udało się osiągnąć przez lata rehabilitacji. Do tego potrzebna jest jednak przestrzeń, której nam brakuje. Ale tylko chwilowo, bo wierzymy, że damy radę!!!  Aby zabezpieczyć Ooniwerkowiczom kolejny etap edukacyjny musimy rozbudować nasz budynek. Mamy projekt, mamy pozwolenie na rozpoczęcie prac, mamy szansę na kolejne 550 metrów, które pozwolą nam przyjąć 40 nowych dzieci. Brakuje niestety środków na ten cel. POTRZEBUJEMY OKOŁO 10 MLN złotych na rozbudowę i wyposażenie nowoczesnej szkoły dla starszych uczniów z niepełnosprawnością. Na zebranie tej kwoty mamy rok! Czas goni, ale wierzymy, że dzięki Waszemu wsparciu i determinacji wielu dobrych ludzi uda się tego dokonać. Razem możemy wiele! Możecie także przyłączyć się do pomocy, zakładając własną skarbonkę!  Jesteście ciekawi jak wygląda codzienność naszych Onniwerkowiczów? Poznajcie nas bliżej na naszym Facebooku! 👉 Radio Wnet MiŚ - mogę pomóc i szczerze "koochać" 👉 Podcasty Moja Odwaga Joanna Palica: Rodzice dzieci z niepełnosprawnością nie młodnieją. Co będzie gdy ich zabraknie?  👉 WP Parenting - Chciała, by Alek się uczył. Powiedziano, by przestała "szukać wrażeń"  👉  Kurier Mazowiecki: 08.03.2024  👉 Wizyta Starosty Sylwestra Sokolnickiego,  Krzysztofa "Diablo" Włodarczyka i Ewy Godlewskiej  👉  Dziennik Gazeta Prawna - Uczeń Gorzej widoczny 👉 Wysokie Obcasy - Edukacja włączająca. Kiedy szukałam przedszkola dla Alka, słyszałam: "Z takim dzieckiem to się siedzi w domu"  👉  Fakty TVN24 Artykuł 

65 927,00 zł ( 0.61% )
Still needed: 10 572 371,00 zł

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