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Fundacja Abisynia
Fundacja Abisynia

Ratunek dla szkoły w Bilbali w Etiopii❗️

Bilbala to amharska wieś leząca około 30 kilometrów na północny-zachód od Lalbeli. Położona w ubogiej okolicy, w etiopskich górach Lasta. Nie leży na popularnych szlakach turystycznych, rzadko kto tam dociera, wizyta cudzoziemców zawsze jest wydarzeniem. Piękne góry i semi-monolityczny skalny kościół pod wezwaniem Świętego Jerzego to jej najważniejsze atuty. Architektonicznie świątynia nawiązuje do kościoła Bet Gabriel Rafael w Lalibeli. Szkole średniej w Bilbali z powodu braku odpowiedniej infrastruktury grozi likwidacja. Funkcjonowanie szkoły podstawowej nie jest zagrożone, problem dotyczy szkoły średniej. W etiopskim systemie edukacyjnym stosowane są następujące standardy: jedna sala dydaktyczna dla 40 uczniów, 3 pokoje laboratoryjne (dla biologii, fizyki i chemii), 2 pokoje biblioteczne, laboratorium informatyczne z 120 komputerami.Szkoła w Bilbali nie spełnia tych wymogów. Jedna sala dydaktyczna przypada na 69 uczniów. Jest tylko jedna sala laboratoryjna, jedna sala biblioteczna i laboratorium informatyczne z 12 komputerami. By zebrać środki na rozbudowę, kadra dydaktyczna szkoły z dużym zapałem i optymizmem rozpoczęła działania mające na celu maksymalną aktywizację lokalnej społeczności. Niestety okazało się, że zadanie przerasta możliwości wsi. Znających etiopskie realia nie powinno to dziwić. Etiopia nadal jest jednym z najuboższych krajów Afryki, a Bilbala to bardzo uboga wioska położona w górach Brak odpowiedniego budynku szkoły grozi ograniczeniem nauki w Bilbali wyłącznie do najniższych klas, co spowoduje konieczność codziennych dojazdów starszych dzieci i młodzieży do Lalibeli, oddalonej ponad 30 kilometrów. W etiopskich warunkach to 2 godziny jazdy w jedną stronę. Można się więc raczej spodziewać, że dzieci będą kończyły edukację na najniższym poziome. Oznacza to praktycznie zamknięcie jakichkolwiek szans na lepsze życie.Każde wsparcie pomoże nam zadbać o edukację setek uczniów!Dziękujemy za każdą wpłatę!

110 zł
Fundacja Razem
Fundacja Razem

Wsparcie dla ukraińskich żołnierzy

Sytuacja w Ukrainie wciąż jest bardzo trudna. To prawie rok walki o życie. Nasi przyjaciele z Ukrainy zwrócili się do nas z prośbą o wsparcie Batalionu z miasta Sumy, walczącego na pierwszych liniach frontu. Potrzebują kamer termowizyjnych które zapewniają im możliwość dostrzeżenia niebezpieczeństw w nocy, co daje im gwarancje przeżycia. W grudniu dostarczyliśmy im pierwszą partię prosto na front, pozyskaną ze środków od Przyjaciół:Razem z naszymi partnerami i przyjaciółmi organizowaliśmy i realizowaliśmy również przewozy uchodźców z Ukrainy.  Jesteśmy ze Słupska - z prośbą o pomoc w sfinansowaniu sprzętu pomocowego dla żołnierzy zwrócili się do nas Ukraińcy mieszkający w Słupsku.Liczymy teraz na Was, bo bojownicy z Sumy walczą również za naszą wolność. Zbieramy środki na kamery termowizyjne, radiotelefony, krótkofalówki, lornetki z dalmierzami laserowymi, słuchawki balistyczne. Każda wpłata ma znaczenie!Razem możemy więcej!Dziękujemy za każdą pomoc.

6 809,00 zł ( 12.8% )
Still needed: 46 382,00 zł
Fundacja Pomagam
Fundacja Pomagam

Podaruj radość najmłodszym z okazji Dnia Dziecka!

Kochani❗️ Na Dzień Dziecka najmłodsi czekają z zapartym tchem. To czas celebrowania dziecięcej radości i cudownej beztroski. Każdy tego dnia zasługuje na powody do uśmiechu i zabawę.  Chcemy zorganizować piknik integracyjny z Okazji Dnia Dziecka pod hasłem "Dobra zabawa - radością napawa!" dla dzieci z Placówki Opiekuńczo-Wychowawczej "Tęcza" w Kutnie i Placówki "Różany Zakątek". Impreza odbędzie się 6 czerwca ☺️ Chcemy przygotować dla dzieci: 👉  dmuchańce, 👉  ścianki wspinaczkowe, 👉  zabawy z animatorami, 👉  gry,👉 wspaniały kolorowy piknik, na którym będą mogli spędzić miło i aktywnie wolny czas. Pragniemy aby w tym dniu z twarz dzieci nie schodził uśmiech. Prosimy o pomoc w pokryciu kosztów związanych z wynajęciem dmuchańca oraz ścianki wspinaczkowej, o której marzą nasze dzieci. Z góry dziękujemy za dar serca i wrażliwość na potrzeby naszych milusińskich. Razem możemy wszystko! Jeśli chcesz podarować szczęście dla najmłodszych, prosimy o wsparcie ich marzeń! ☺️ Czasu zostało niewiele, ale mocno wierzymy, że z Waszą pomocą Dzieci będą w tym dniu najszczęśliwsze na świecie!  Z góry dziękujemy za piękne serducho! ❤️

7,00 zł ( 0.32% )
Still needed: 2 121,00 zł
Fundacja "Potrafię Pomóc"
Fundacja "Potrafię Pomóc"

Oczy Dzieci - Nasza Troska. Razem dla lepszej diagnostyki.

Oczy – to okno na świat. Każdego dnia patrzymy na pacjentów naszego Centrum Diagnostyczno-Terapeutycznego Chorób Rzadkich i widzimy, jak wiele jest jeszcze do zrobienia… jak wiele pomocy od nas oczekują. A ich wzrok, to jeden z najpilniejszych obecnie tematów. Dlatego pragniemy stworzyć lepsze jutro dla dzieci, dorosłych i przyszłych mam, szczególnie dla tych, których droga do zdrowych oczu jest pełna trudności. Nadzieję, na lepszą pomoc daje nam projekt Angio-OCT. Jest to sprzęt diagnostyczny, który rewolucjonizuje badania oka. To urządzenie o niezwykłej precyzji, które pozwoli nam przyjrzeć się każdej warstwie siatkówki, wiedzieć więcej i działać skuteczniej. Jest niezastąpione w przypadkach rzadkich chorób genetycznych, gdzie dotarcie do diagnozy bywa trudne, a nawet bolesne. Angio-OCT, to:- bezinwazyjne, bezpieczne i wyjątkowo szybkie badanie,- precyzyjne obrazowanie bez podawania kontrastu,- spersonalizowana opieka medyczna,- wcześniejsza diagnostyka,- skuteczniejsza opieka,- badanie oka bez bólu i stresu. Razem możemy więcej. Wspieraj nasz cel, przekaż darowiznę i podziel się nadzieją. Dołącz do naszej kampanii!  Z góry dziękujemy za Twoją wielką serdeczność! ❤️ Centrum Diagnostyczno-Terapeutyczne Chorób Rzadkich im. Bartłomieja Skrzyńskiego powstało z myślą o wszystkich potrzebujących z niepełnosprawnościami i chorobami rzadkimi oraz ich najbliższych. Prowadzone jest, jako forma działalności statutowej Fundacji Potrafię Pomóc. Jest to działalność odpłatna użytku publicznego a wszystkie środki pochodzące z Centrum, przeznaczane są na cele statutowe Fundacji. Pani doktor Anna Wiśniowska - Dolny, okulista dziecięcy, serdecznie zachęca do wsparcia akcji. Twoja pomoc może mieć większy zasięg. Ty też możesz pomóc, pamiętaj o tym!

4 988,00 zł ( 2.03% )
Still needed: 239 692,00 zł
Polskie Towarzystwo Stwardnienia Rozsianego
Polskie Towarzystwo Stwardnienia Rozsianego

Podaj serce chorym na stwardnienie rozsiane 💙

W raz z ciepłym słońcem, które zaskakuje nas od kilku dni, i my przychodzimy do was z wiosenną niespodzianką! 8 maja o godzinie 18:00 w Teatrze Palladium odbędzie się nasz charytatywny koncert „Podaj Serce”. Po raz 23 Teatr Tańca UW "Warszawianka" Dance Theatre University of Warsaw będzie wspomagać Polskie Towarzystwo Stwardnienia Rozsianego i osoby chorujące na stwardnienie rozsiane (SM). Całkowity zysk ze sprzedaży biletów oraz środki zebrane podczas akcji Polskie Towarzystwo Stwardnienia Rozsianego przeznaczy na organizację spotkania dla 50 chorych z całej Polski pn. "XII Abilimpiada SM" (planowany czas realizacji wrzesień 2024). Organizacja takiego 3 dniowego spotkania to koszt około 70.000 zł -  opłacamy chorym nocleg, wyżywienie i częściowo koszty dojazdu oraz aktywności w ramach Abilipmpady.  Abilimpiada to niezwykłe wydarzenie, w czasie którego osoby z SM mogą wziąć udział w wielu ciekawych konkurencjach i popisać się swoimi talentami. Przez trzy dni przedstawiciele chorych z całej Polski mają poza możliwością pokazania swoich talentów i umiejętności szansę na oderwanie się od codzienności. Abilimpiada to nie tylko zawody. To okazja do wymiany doświadczeń, zdobycia nowych umiejętności, a także ciekawych i inspirujących znajomości. Jeśli nie możesz wziąć udziału w koncercie i kupić biletu - Podaj serce i wesprzyj chorych na SM wpłacając darowiznę! Wesprzyj Akcję i Podaj serce! Gdzie możesz kupić bilety? 👉 Goingapp👉 Goout👉 Ebilet Więcej o koncercie możecie znaleźć na facebooku Teatru tańca 

461,00 zł ( 4.33% )
Still needed: 10 178,00 zł
Okaż Serce
Okaż Serce

Pomóż nam rozbudować Stowarzyszenie!

Stowarzyszenie Okaż Serce z siedzibą w Blachowni od 8lat pomaga chorym dzieciom zgodnie ze statutem i literą prawa, ale kryzys niestety i  nas nie omija...Proszę wspomóż nas i pozwól Nam dalej pomagać innym! Potrzebujemy pieniędzy na dalsze działania, sprzęt komputerowy oraz projekt ośrodka rehabilitacji który zgodnie z Naszym statutem chcemy wybudować. Nie bądź obojetny, pomóż Nam przetrwać kryzys i dalej pomagać dzieciom. Cele, na które przeznaczymy zebrane środki: 1. Zwiększona pomoc dla dwójki Naszych podopiecznych ( Grzesiu Dyszy oraz Anastazja Tomiak) dotychczas zebrane środki pieniężne (zbiorki organizowane przez Nas razem z Wolontariuszami) tylko w minimalnym stopniu zaspakajają Naszych podopiecznych. 2. Rozwój Naszego Stowarzyszenia. Świat idzie do przodu a razem z nim wszystkie Fundację i Stowarzyszenia. Teraz gdy 90% zbiorek i innych projektów odbywa się online, My też chcemy w tym uczestniczyć. Zebrane środki przeznaczymy na modernizację Naszej strony internetowej ( oraz na reklamę w social mediach naszych zbiorek i inicjatyw. 3. Dążenie do budowy specjalistycznego ośrodka leczenia i rehabilitacji. Od czegoś musimy zacząć i może właśnie ta kampania zapoczątkuje ten powazny projekt. Z góry dziękujemy za Wasze otwarte serca!

2,00 zł ( 0.01% )
Still needed: 10 637,00 zł
Fundacja Przyjazny Dom im. Stanisława Jabłonki
Fundacja Przyjazny Dom im. Stanisława Jabłonki

PILNE❗ Mamy czas tylko do końca maja na przyłączenie do kanalizacji...

Drodzy Przyjaciele, Znajomi, Wszyscy dobrze nam życzący ☺️ Zwracamy się do Was z ogromną prośbą o finansowe wsparcie. Nieoczekiwanie spadł na naszą Fundację ogromny koszt, związany z przyłączeniem do kanalizacji miejskiej. Zostaliśmy zobligowani do zrobienia tego w trybie bardzo pilnym (do końca maja!). Wycena tego przedsięwzięcia przerosła nasz budżet, dlatego zwracamy się do Was z prośbą o pomoc. Przekonaliśmy się już nie raz, że zawsze możemy liczyć na Wasze dobre serca. Musimy wykonać te prace dla dobra naszych podopiecznych. Od lat walczymy o poprawę warunków życia osób z niepełnosprawnością intelektualną. Wiemy, że dla nich nie jesteśmy tylko instytucją, ale prawdziwym DOMEM! Każda z osób, którą otaczamy opieką, ma swoje marzenia i chce godnie żyć. A my staramy się te marzenia spełniać. Przede wszystkim jesteśmy dla siebie ważni i dobrzy. Dlatego prosimy! Z Waszym wsparciem będziemy mogli dalej pomagać! Bardzo dziękujemy za waszą Obecność i wsparcie❗️ Mieszkańcy i Pracownicy Przyjaznego Domu.

18 162,00 zł ( 32.21% )
Still needed: 38 221,00 zł
Stowarzyszenie SOS Wioski Dziecięce w Polsce
Stowarzyszenie SOS Wioski Dziecięce w Polsce


ALARMING NEWS FROM SOS CHILDREN'S VILLAGES UKRAINE - THE SITUATION OF CHILDREN FROM CHILDREN'S HOMES IS DRAMATIC! In family care, organised among others by SOS Children’s Villages Ukraine, there are currently 64 thousand children. According to our estimation, 16 thousand of them will need urgent help. There are also 98 thousand children under institutional care, i.e. in children’s homes, located throughout Ukraine. Activities of the SOS Emergency Response group: In response to the tragic situation of foster families from Ukraine, we host 173 people - Ukrainian children and their foster carers - in our SOS programs in Kraśnik, Siedlce, Lublin and Biłgoraj. Before the war they were under SOS Ukraine care (Kiev and Lugansk) and from the Ukrainian orphanage in Kiev. We could say, that in our association we have two additional Children's Villages, spread across all of our programs. The children and their caregivers live in the villages of Siedlce, Karlino, Biłgoraj and Kraśnik. Our programs in cooperation with the SOS Ukraine team support them every day. We provide them with medical support and legal assistance, as well as after school activities and trips. In a very near future, thanks to our donors, we will open in Lublin a House for Children, safe place for 40 Ukrainian children from orphanage. They are all children of war trauma, that need our help! The building received from the donors is undergoing renovation. We do everything we can to open the place in June. How we help: As part of the help of SOS Children's Villages and support for children evacuated from Ukraine to Poland, we assisted over 120 foster parents with children who escaped from the war, including from Dnipropetrovsk and Mariupol and from other regions of Ukraine. We helped them come to Poland, and we also made further journeys possible, mainly to the Czech Republic and Germany. Every intervention is individualized, tailored to the needs of a given family. In cooperation with SOS Children's Villages Ukraine and organizations from the Coalition for Family Foster Care, we helped 150 people from foster families. Thanks to our help, numerous families found flats adapted to their needs, care of specialists such as psychiatrist, psychologist, dentist, orthodontist. We helped parents to enroll their children in Polish schools. We provide older children with access to laptops and the Internet so that they can continue their online studies in a Ukrainian school. We are in constant contact with 200 people from foster families from Ukraine, to whom we provide information on benefits and formal steps in the Polish administrative system, including in terms of registering temporary care for children deprived of parental care. We also supported legal interventions in cases where there was a suspicion of violating the law of Ukrainian children.We approach each family individually, responding to the needs of children: we look for activities corresponding with their interests, organize games and exercise in the fresh air, trips that help reduce stress after difficult experiences. We buy necessary items, including toys and sports equipment. We also support adult caregivers so that they can help children in need even better. As part of the emergency aid, also thanks to our donors, we have implemented a system of Sodexo vouchers with a value of PLN 450 per person. Vouchers are delivered to the most needy families for 3 months through a network of partner organizations associated in the Coalition for Foster Care. Those vouchers will help to buy the necessary everyday items for families and their children. Our target group are: 1. Foster families with children evacuated from the war in Ukraine after February 24th 2022 2. Ukrainian families with children with disabilities and special health needs 3. Independent mothers and their children as well as parents with children from Ukraine in a difficult financial situation Our priorities are foster families, children from institutional care and families with special health needs, at risk of poverty. First aid is provided to 250 people under the care of 3 non-governmental organizations in Białystok, Wrocław and the surrounding area. At a later stage, we will extend the support to even more Ukrainian families in need. Specialized SOS Centers: We plan to create a network of SOS Specialist Centers, where Ukrainian and Polish children from foster care will receive specialist support. In SOS Centers, we will help Ukrainian children by providing first psychological aid, while people with developed post-traumatic stress disorder will receive specialist therapies. We will help children experiencing developmental trauma, of whom there are many in foster care. Our experience shows that in addition to therapeutic help, work with the body is also very important.  That is why we plan to conduct rehabilitation and exercise classes in SOS Centers. Thinking about helping children, we plan activities for their caregivers, including the development of competences through training and support groups. We are currently looking for places to create such centers in and around Warsaw, Kraków and Koszalin. We want to extend our search to other large cities. The current situation of children from foster care in Ukraine: Before the outbreak of the war in Ukraine, there were 702 centers taking care of children temporarily deprived of their biological parents, orphans or children remaining in foster care.  According to SOS, before the war in Ukraine, Ukraine had 64,000 children in foster family care and 98,000 in institutional care. Since the outbreak of the war, 264 orphanages have been evacuated in whole or in part, 83 to safer regions in Ukraine, and 181 abroad. A total of 6,465 children were evacuated, and most of them (47%) found a safe place in Poland. The exact number of children from foster families evacuated to Poland is still unknown. 

5 002 346 zł
Fundacja Happy Kids
Fundacja Happy Kids

Together for orphans from Ukraine's war action

UPDATE, February, 23 One year on from the outbreak of war - what next for Ukrainian children from orphanages? When war broke out, there was not a moment to lose. What mattered was the speed of the reaction. In fact, the first hours after the outbreak of war were the most important. It was then that the key decisions were made about helping children from Ukrainian orphanages. The Mobile Medical Team we set up arrived at all the centres in Poland where the children had found refuge. Each child received dental and ophthalmic care, as well as help from a psychologist or therapist. We organised educational workshops for the children and donated the necessary learning equipment. We conducted first aid training for staff at the centres. We equipped one of the centres where children with disabilities are housed with AED equipment,essential for saving life and health. We provided children and their carers with autumn and winter clothing and footwear. In addition to the activities carried out in Poland related to helping children who have found refuge from war in our country, the Foundation has also been involved in organising aid directly at the site of the conflict. To date, more than half a thousand pallets with the most necessary items, i.e. medicines or warm clothes, have been sent to Ukraine. We have also thoroughly renovated old buildings, which have been adapted into shelters for mothers with children and elderly people fleeing the war. In total, we have created more than 1,000 safe places, located in areas of eastern Ukraine not covered by armed hostilities. Renovation work was carried out on, among others, the Psychological and Neurological Sanatorium in Jezupol, the Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Centre for Mothers with Children at the Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Centre in Kolomyia. We also carried out a major renovation of the floor of the palliative ward of an orphanage in the town of Nadvirna. In total, we have adapted 10 buildings to house IDPs. Ukraine started the process of deinstitutionalisation of foster care a few years ago, i.e. the elimination of traditional large orphanages in favour of a family form of care. Unfortunately, this process was completely halted due to the outbreak of war. - This resulted in,that Ukraine has gone backwards in terms of deinstitutionalisation of foster care. Being in contact with all the regional authorities from which the children came, the subject of a return to this process was raised. At a recent joint conference between the Foundation and representatives of the Ukrainian authorities, there were declarations from Ukrainian social services to resume these processes says Aleksander Kartasiński. The changes in question should take place in accordance with European standards - this is one of the conditions set by the European Union for Ukraine's accession. - We have offered to cooperate in this regard. The Foundation is an organisation that has been active in European integration for many years, which guarantees that we know how to do this and that we havethe right tools to do it. It is important to remember that this is a challenge for years. At the same time, we also want Ukrainian children from orphanages who are currently in Poland to be subjected to this process. We are starting a training programme for candidates for foster parents who would run family children's homes in their home country in the future. We are committed to lasting change. Now that the date of the children's return is in great doubt, the decision to split up the evacuated groups can no longer be postponed. We are pleased that in this respect, we were able to reach a common position with the Ukrainian side and take concrete action as soon as the decision was made. We divided the first groups at the end of December, says Aleksander Kartasinski. In two orphanages in Łódź, children from several Ukrainian institutions found shelter at the beginning of the war. At present, each group lives in a separate house and the number of children in them varies from 12 to 16. The children and their carers have been placed in single-family homes, so as to provide evacuees with conditions as close to home as possible. This solution is close to what we do on a daily basis, i.e. running family orphanages for Polishchildren. Thanks to the support of our donors - Friends - we are able to help financially the centres which have taken in children from Ukraine. We support our little friends in, among other things, continuing psychological therapies, psychiatric treatment, ophthalmological treatment (including fitting children with visual impairments with glasses) or dental treatment. We want to give them a chance for a good childhood despite the traumas they have experienced, which is why we continue our mission in line with Janusz Korczak's motto: Without a happy childhood, all life is crippled We want to continue to help the most vulnerable victims of the war in Ukraine - children from Ukrainian orphanages, who have already been disadvantaged once. Support our work and save them together with us. _______________________________________________________UPDATE June, 1 We are not stopping in supporting Ukraine!Dear Friends, thank you for all the contributions so far, thanks to which we can bring aid to our eastern neighbors! Creating a shelter in Ukraine for more than 1,000 Ukrainian civilians, mainly orphans from the areas where military operations are currently taking place is another mission the Happy Kids Foundation - in parallel with the organized aid for 1,500 Ukrainian children fromorphanages evacuated to Poland at the beginning of the war. The eastern part of Ukraine - this is where we are dealing with the largest outbreak of fighting, and it is from there that civilians, including hundreds of children from orphanages, among others, continue to flee to the western areas of the country. With the aim of saving the lives and fate of the most vulnerable victims of the war, the Happy Kids Foundation has decided to adapt buildings for toddlers, as well as all those who need a safe asylum. The total is 1010 places. The organization, under the leadership of President Alexander Kartasinski, has already begun renovations, and the first centers are ready to receive residents. -„Since the outbreak of the war, I have been to our eastern border more than a dozen times, including to select buildings for renovation together with the regional authorities of Ukraine. The selected properties are located in areas not covered by the war, that is, where the rockets have not reached. We are talking about the western part of Ukraine - villages and mountainous areas. Away from military and strategic hubs that could be attacked. The regions in question include Chernivtsi, Zakarpattia and Ivano-Frankivsk regions. "This is where we have already started placing children from orphanages, but also mothers and senior citizens fleeing from the eastern part of Ukraine" says Alexander Kartasinski, President of the Happy Kids Foundation. The Happy Kids Foundation, in consultation with the Ukrainian authorities and with the support of the local community, is restoring dilapidated facilities that even before the war needed to be brought up to proper standards. – „In many of these places, the bathrooms are unusable. They are damaged by the passage of time. Partitions between showers are missing, or there are no showers at all. Therefore, it happens that we create sanitary hubs. There are also places like Kolomyja, for example, where we also have to repair the damaged roof. Our tasks also include retrofitting these facilities with the necessary everyday equipment," explains Alexander Kartasinski. In early July, the Happy Kids Foundation organized the first shipment of 29 pallets of furniture, bedding, mattresses, hygiene products and household appliances. The equipment went to centers located in the Ivano-Frankivsk region. So far, three buildings have been renovated. The first is the Psychological and Neurological Sanatorium in Jezupol (Ivano-Frankivsk region) for preschool and school-age children. The second - a Social Welfare Center in Tłumacz for mothers with children. While the third is the Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Center in Kolomyia). There are also places like Hulajpole (now bombed), where a house has to be built from scratch. Restoration work has begun in the cities of: Nadwórna, Vitvitsa or Vynohradiv. The cost of adapting more than 1,000 places is €1 million, but the Foundation plans to renovate more buildings for Ukrainian orphans as well, which of course involves even more money. --------- UPDATE May 11 Fundacja Happy Kids is a leading Polish non-governmental organization, founded in 2001 to provide a chance for a happy childhood for children in Polish orphanages with little to no chances for adoption.  It has created 17 family-type foster homes and provides professional foster care, child protection, medical and psychological support to children with psychological trauma, intellectual and physical disabilities, and reunites previously separated groups of siblings in one home.    Since the Russian invasion, Happy Kids assisted Ukrainian authorities in emergency evacuations of children from state orphanages and their caregivers to Poland. Starting as early as February 28th, in cooperation with the city of Łódź and local and international partners, Happy Kids has assisted in evacuation of approximately 2,000 civilians including 1,500 children and guardians from foster care institutions from Kharkiv, Kherson, Lviv, Kiev, Odessa, Poltava, Zhytomyr. The youngest survivor was 7 days-old when crossing the border. The evacuation were conducted in close cooperation with the Department of the Protection of Children’s Rights and Adoption of the Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine and Polish authorities, and UN Global Compact Network Poland.  Thanks to the generous support of our donors, we were able to:  assist orphanages, foster families or other forms of foster care, which require immediate evacuation from Ukrainian territory affected by war, provide support in transportation to the border between Poland and Ukraine,  assist the evacuated children at the border crossings work with local governments to secure and prepare accommodations ready to meet the needs of the evacuated groups.   Now that the children and their care-givers have managed to flee the horrors of war, we focus on providing them with an environment, where they can feel safe, happy and at home. We assist in the following areas: infrastructure and furnishing, food security nutrition, equipment and supplies, direct cash transfers, health care, psychological support and educational support. A significant proportion of children suffers not only from psychological trauma, but from physical or intellectual disabilities. Our continued support, whether a hearing device, specialised therapy, a Polish-language tutor or simply a new bed, would not be possible without your help.   Please consider joining us in providing safety in Poland for most vulnerable Ukrainian children until they will be able to safely return home --- In the interest of preserving the life and health of children, in the face of the ongoing war in Ukraine, The Children’s Aid ‘Happy Kids’ Foundation, in cooperation with the City of Łódź, has launched an action to save the most vulnerable victims: children from orphanages and foster care. The evacuation of orphans from orphanages, foster families and other forms of care from Ukraine to Poland, is coordinated by Aleksander Kartasiński – the President of the ‘Happy Kids’ Foundation and Social Plenipotentiary of the Mayor of the City of Łódź, Hanna Zdanowska, for contacts with Ukrainian authorities on the organization of care for Ukrainian children in Łódź. The ‘Happy Kids’ Foundation is carrying out the evacuation of young refugees in close cooperation with the Department of the Protection of Children's Rights and Adoption of the Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine and the Ministry of Family and Social Policy of the Republic of Poland. Our organization, together with the City of Łódź, coordinates the relocation of refugees throughout the country in agreement with local government units. Since the beginning of the war, we have already saved thousands of children (including those with dysfunctions and disabilities) together with their guardians: incl. from Kharkiv, Kherson, Lviv, Kiev, Odessa, Poltava, Volyn, Zhytomyr. The youngest survivors were not even one year old. It is still a drop in the ocean of needs. The situation of children in orphanages and foster care in Ukraine is exceptionally critical. The intensity of military operations and the cruelty of the Russian aggressor against Ukrainian civilians make our actions focus on saving as many children as possible - in the shortest possible time. At the same time, we are also acquiring places that meet decent housing conditions, adapted to the needs of the evacuated groups of children. They find a safe haven and care in the Family Orphanages of the ‘Happy Kids’ Foundation, foster families, orphanages in Łódź and other local governments from all over Poland that offer help. The donations will be allocated for both the immediate needs - transport, food, cleaning products, clothes – and the long-term activities aimed at comprehensive care for war victims, including specialist medical treatment, psychological therapy or legal care. Let’s save the lives in need together. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for every kind of support.

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